Shipping and Bulk or Resale Orders


We can ship to virtually any address in the world, but at present this site is not configured to ship to international customers. International customers should directly Contact Us with their order. Be aware, though, that there are no longer any inexpensive shipping options (especially for the things we sell) and the cost of shipping often will be equivalent or close to the items one purchases.

Also, please note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations.

Please allow 4-6 business days for shipping out online orders processed through this website. Once an order is shipped out (we mainly use USPS Priority Mail rate) please allow 5-7 business days for it to arrive.

Also, please note: Orders made with the intent to arrive in time for the 25th of December should be made BEFORE December 9th given continuing supply chain issues and all the shipping companies being overwhelmed with packages.


Bulk and/or Resale Orders

This website is designed primarily with retail customers who are individuals in mind. If, however, you wish to either order our products in bulk or intend to order them in quantity for resale please Contact Us via email and we will be more than happy to create an invoice for your order.